Monday, November 21, 2011

my album cover cloud!!!

of my listens in the last 3 months.

make your own cloud thingy here!

if you want to find my account to hear new music or just be my friend or even see our music compatibility, here's a link.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Best Coast - "Fist City" (iTunes Session)

this is my favorite Best Coast song by far. it's the most fun to belt along to. anyways, I hear their new album is going to sound kind of country and if this is any indication of their country music skills then omfg I need that cd to come out right now ok bye

We Are Augustines - "Chapel Song"

this song is so intense O____________O

Rabbit! - "Pink Lemonade"

cutest song EVER award goes to this song. omfg. I usually don't like live versions of this song, but it's very close to the album recording.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Castles - "Hello Rabbit"

I think this will annoy the shit out of my mom

Vensaire - "See I'm You"

Saturday, November 12, 2011